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170711 MinaryTV Translation

!! MinaryTV live streaming will change its time from this week onwards.. MH is thinking to do it late at night or even after midnight.

Inviting his members to play:

MH: Jaejin-hyung said he would like to do the live stream with me.. When will it be good to invite him? I have many things to do.. Play League of Legends with JJ-hyung.. Battleground with SH.. Oh right.. JH-hyung said he wants to do it too.

MH: Ah.. Hongki-oppa is kinda busy shifting his studio right now.. and because of his radio broadcast, his time is a bit ambiguous


Today's MinaryTV is with Seunghyun & Ali.. The duo are on their way with SH driving. Ali & SH is on their way to Internet Cafe so that they can join Minari on battleground


MH: Do I still look bloated?

Fan: Your condition seems good today

MH: Condition is good? I feel that it's the same.. bloated and round

MH: Today I will not be doing the ex-gf & current gf game.. Will do it next time when SH is here with me


Fan: Don't act cute

MH: I'm not. this is to reduce the bloatedness.. You "enlarge" your eyes and keep blinking. Doesn't it look disgusting?

MH: I am finishing my Demi Soda! I'm left with about 3 cans in the fridge

MH: I will be totally changing the streaming date & time.. I am thinking to rest a day or two on weekdays and stream on weekends instead. Streaming time is still not fixed.. I am still thinking about it.


Minari's Reaction Video to Orange Sky:

MH's comments includes

1) Why is JH-hyung laughing?

2) HK-hyung is looking at me from the back and smiling. He must be proud of me

3) HK-hyung is laughing right? why is he laughing?

4) Look at him (HK) smiling like a proud daddy


MH is looking at 8 programmes on his screen as he streams right now.. Thus his eyes keeps shifting left and right.

Today's MinaryTV started late because MH went to hear the final product of Paradise - after mixing and mastering..

MH: The song is really good. It is really my style. The kind of music that I like. The songs are really good. But my favourite is still "Still With You".


About "To The Light":

MH: In all our self composed song, my favourite song is "To The Light". Personally, why do I like this song the most is because.. That was the most tough/tiring period for us. Very. In FT's lifespan, that was the most difficult period for me. Thus, I really like listening to this song.

(read with To The Light as BGM)

During PRAY's era, when we were preparing the album <I WILL>, when the album was completed, before the sales started, the five of us met at some bar(?) in Itaewon and blasted the songs loudly. One song after another, we listened to all the songs, before the album sales started.

That time, it somehow feel really good. When we were preparing for the album, it was really a tiring process. The song choices and what nots. But when the recording for all the songs are completed, when listening to all these songs, we feel really good. That time, all of us felt very enjoyable.

Before the album <I WILL> was released, it was really a very tough/difficult for us. I am not able to express it in words, but it is really difficult.

But that was already 2 - 3 years ago. Time really flies.


SH & Ali went to an Internet cafe but it is full so they are gonna try at another place & MH decided to play alone to "stretch his fingers".

As the door of Minari's room was left open at the start of the live stream, he kept feeling that someone is gonna jump on him from behind.


Playing Battleground with Ali & Seunghyun

SH: Are you streaming right now?

MH: yea

SH: I will switch off my mic then

MH: Why? Afraid that you will curse?

SH: yea

Ali's self intro: Im Minhwan's friend, if you go to his insta, you will find me in a lot of photos. If you see them, you will know who I am

At first both SH & Ali denied that they cursed.. in the end Ali admitted that it was him.

After Ali cursed and they started a new game.

MH: You can curse if you really need to

Ali: Can I curse in English?

MH: Do as you please

Ali: MH-ah, how do I watch your streaming?

MH: (gives instructions on how to find his channel) Thank you for watching~

MH: when the weather is too hot, I don't feel like going out, when it's raining, I wanna stay at home too

Team Tactic got team killed for 3 consecutive games

MH: When will we start the game proper? Are we really a team that ranked first before?

MH: SH-ah, where are you?

SH: Im swimming.. Because the weather is good, because the weather is alright... (the famous line in Goblin)

Minari speaking English while playing BG: Im so sad.. because it's raining.. I don't like raining..

MH: Next time we will need to add Jonghyo into the game.. Without Jonghyo, our teamwork doesn't match as well


Fan: You can just curse.

MH: I usually do not curse. So I don't like to hear the rest curse too. I don't like people who curse on broadcast.

MH: I will invite SH to my place soon. So that he can do a proper introduction and play with you guys interestingly

MH: Tomorrow's broadcast I have no idea what time it will be.. It might be late at night.. I will announce again on insta.. I will probably stream on weekends too.. I will look into the streaming time again. It seems to be better if it is late at night. If I did not make any announcement it will still be at 7pm KST.. If there is a change in time I will announce it on insta..

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