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170710 MinaryTV Translation

Minari went to watch Saevom's concert over the weekend.. The singer of the first song he played tonight.

Minari said he might have caught a cold.. his voice/throat is kind of weird.

This Minari is reporting the weather every time he streams.. and the weather is always rainy.. so he said, when it rains, watch MinaryTV.

Minari just woke up an hour before he started streaming.. He was playing games with friends till late last night and slept at about 4am KST.

MH: I slept for 12 hours straight and just woke up about an hour ago.. I will only play battleground today.. let's try to get the 1st ranking..


Fan: Oppa, I will watch Spiderman on Wed, is it good?

MH: It's really awesome. I will watch it again soon. Really wanna watch it again.


MH: Someday this week, I will invite Seunghyun over to my house, and do a live stream together. What day will be good? On Seunghyun's rest day. SH said he will do the ex & current girlfriend role for the game. We feel that it will be interesting to take a role each. So we decided to do it some day. Seunghyun will do really well with this.. I feel that it will be really funny.


Regarding Team Tactic:

MH: I will also arrange a session where the 4 of us will play battleground together. You guys always see me playing alone.

MH: 4 of us = me, SH, Jonghyo & Ali. We have also decided on our team name and will go for competitions next time. Our team name is "Tactic". It means that we are a team with good strategy. As tactic is a word that is not as commonly used as strategy, we decided to go with it.

FYI, MH isn't good with those English words.. Ali helped them out with the team name

MH: We have decided that I will be the leader of the team.. It is just said to be this way, there isn't any concepts about it. When we first gathered to play the game, each of us tried to lead once.. and they find that I am the best at giving orders out of the 4. We are still in the practicing stage. When we are getting better at it, we will join some competition and get 1st at it.. that's our aim.


Fan: Your eyes look swollen.

MH: That's because I just woke up and I ate ramyun right after I woke up.

Fan: As compared to your eyes, your nose look more swollen

MH: Alright, my entire face is swollen

Fan: Maybe it's not swollen but you have gain weight

MH: No.. I did not.. I seem to have loss more after the comeback ended.. or maybe not? Or maybe because I am with my bare face now so it looks bloated. When I had my make up on, stylist did shading for me.


Playing Battleground.

MH said he will not stop the game until he got 5th in ranking.

MH: I asked Seunghyun to play with me but he said he is drinking alcohol.. He doesn't want to play with me :(

MH played about 7 - 8 games? and the highest he ranked tonight was 9th.


MH said he only ate one meal today at about 4.30pm KST

Fan: Oppa what will you do after this? MH: Not sure.. Maybe I'll sleep? Continue sleeping?

MH: delicious food on earth is always fattening and harmful to health.. however, you need to eat it to have a good mental health

Tomorrow's MinaryTV will be at about 7.30pm KST.. He said it's either tomorrow or the day after, he will invite SH/his friends over

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